The manipulations of the objects are simple. I choose pairs of model airplanes and irons that fit together (I have of course bought quite a few other irons at flea markets; but all the aircraft models actually stem from my children’s workshop). I heat the iron and press the plastic model against it. Depending on the temperature, pressure and angle of the contact, the melting plastic deforms and combines with the metal in various ways. At the right moment I pour water over it; usually one needs a full watering can to stop the process. It hisses and bubbles, steams and cracks. Then it is completely silent. Everything is frozen. Sometimes the cockpit’s transparent window stays fogged up; through which you faintly can see the little pilots stuck in it.
“Plane Catcher is an impulsive alphabet, a system of signs washed up from childhood,
behind it a higher law that brings art and action into harmony.“ Bernhard Kathan